BEMO standing seam roofs are interlocked using a special technology and not screwed. The roof cladding thus remains free of penetration. Anything is possible with a BEMO metal roof: roof lengths of well over 100 metres are constructed without end laps. With metal, there are no limits to flexibility on the roof and sustainable roof coverings are possible.
Accompanied all the way by BEMO specialists
Metal roofing for freedom of form, safety, and sustainability
Our main material for metal roofing and standing seam roofs is aluminium. This guarantees decades of structural stability.
We use aluminium for metal roofing with a high proportion of recycled material. After use, 100% of the aluminium can be returned to a new recycling process.
Solar installations, walkways, fall protection, snow guard installations and many other on-roof requirements can be executed easily and safely on the metal roofing with BEMO system components.
We are always there for you!
Get in touch with us:

Korkyt Ata International Airport, Kyzylorda

Indoor tennis centre TC Lengg

Tervuren bicycle bridge, Brussels
Realize your individual metal roof with BEMO
Infinite design options for metal roofing

360° Service
Working on your projects with enthusiasm and pleasure. This is what sets BEMO apart.
BEMO makes a lot of things – but above all the enthusiasm and joy in meeting any task with innovative ideas and therefore achieving individual results. Right from the start, i.e. from the conception phase, our experts put your ideas into practice. We are also your experts for metal roofs in the planning phase. System-relevant questions and tasks are our specialty, which is why we are happy to take responsibility here. We are also at your side in the event of special conditions for your metal roofing and, under certain circumstances, carry out the measurements on site. 360 ° means not only all-round service, but also global networking: delivery logistics and material provision around the world are no problem thanks to our large network of experts and partners. We can always count on our long-term partners.
BEMO stands for teamwork and synergetic partnership. This is our promise.
Die Leichtigkeit des Metalldachs ist ein weiterer großer Vorteil. Ziegel aus Beton oder Ton sind deutlich schwerer als Metall. Dementsprechend muss die Unterkonstruktion bei Metalldächern weniger Gewicht tragen, sodass sich Metalldächer insbesondere für die Sanierung älterer Gebäude eignen, bei denen ein schweres Dach die Statik beeinträchtigen würde. Darüber hinaus ist die Dacheindeckung besonders effizient und demnach schnell umgesetzt. Sie ist außerdem pflege- und wartungsarm und setzt an der glatten Oberfläche der Metalldächer kaum Schmutz an.
Die Vorteile im Überblick:
- Lange Lebensdauer
- Flexibel und individuell einsetzbar
- Leichtes Material
- Schnelle Montage
- Wartungsfreiheit bzw. geringer Reinigungs- und Pflegebedarf
- Witterungsbeständigkeit bzw. natürliche Schutzschicht durch Patina
- UV-Beständigkeit
- Nachhaltig